Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Soap? Who needs it? Just gargle!

The flu is going around at my school, so I was told this morning by the English department head to gargle often. As you can imagine, my face must have expressed my amusement and confusion, so in response she proceeded to tilt her head back and make gargling noises.

Turns out, the Japanese believe that gargling is just as important as hand washing for the prevention of illness. (Because that makes sense, right?) It's an Eastern medicine thing.

At least now I understand why my coworkers are constantly gargling loudly in the English office between classes. I thought they were all just really concerned with preventing stank-mouth.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I ate German curry naan pizza today. It was good too. German/Indian/Italian food in Japan, eaten by Americans.

Friday, January 21, 2011

"I love Josef class."

One of my students who will be graduating soon wrote me this message:

Josef thank you very much.
I love Josef class.
I enjoy studying English.
It is happy to me for Josef class.
I am looking forward to study OC.
I miss Josef.
But I never forget to Josef class.
If I were go to U.S , I can see Josef.
it's wonderful.
I'm glad to have met you
take care of yourself.
goodby Josef

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Japanese people really need to learn a thing or two about insulation and central heating.