Sunday, October 17, 2010

Japanese Pizza Hut

Getting pizza over here is a lot more complicated. Because I don't speak Japanese, ordering on the phone is pretty much out of the question. Pizza Hut is too far to have delivered, but Pizza Royal Hat is within range. Can't call them though. I could potentially order from Pizza Royal Hat online, but I'd hate to screw up the order somehow due to inability to read the options on their site.

Tonight, we decided to try getting Pizza Hut for the first time. I had to ride there on my bike, order the pizzas, wait on them, wrap the boxes in a towel to keep them warm, and strap them to my bike to take home. It's a pretty long ride, but I'll do anything for pizza.

Pepperoni/sausage/corn and mayo/meat

They may have been a lot of trouble to get, but these pizzas really really made me happy. They were every bit as good as American Pizza Hut, if not better for having strange and interesting toppings. We didn't see it until I only had one slice left, but the pizzas came with some kind of green hot sauce taped to the side of the boxes.

Hot Green Sauce

Hot sauce and pizza in Japan seem to be inseparable. Every time I've ordered pizza, except at the fancy Italian place, it came with hot sauce. I could definitely get used to that.

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